Star base (Octagon):
ch 3, sc in first to form circle row 1 ch 2, 1/2 dc 11x, sl st in
top of ch to circle row 2 ch 2, 1/2 dc in same st, then 1/2 dc 2x in each
st, sl st row 3 ch 2, 1/2 dc in same st, then 1/2 dc in next, 1/2 dc in
next, then rpt **1/2 dc 2x in next st, 1/2 dc in next,
1/2 dc in next**, sl st row 4 ch 2, 1/2 dc in same st, then 1/2 dc
in next st, 1/2 dc
in next st, 1/2 dc in next st, then rpt ** 1/2 dc 2x in
next st, 1/2 dc in next st, 1/2 dc in next st, 1/2 dc in
next st**, sl st
Star points: row 1 ch 2 in "corner" st of octagon, 1/2 dc in single st's to
next "corner" the 2x st's etc... rpt **ch 2, skip 1 st, 1/2 dc
across** until
last row of ch 2, 1/2 dc note... make 8 points on each star
Square fills (make 260):
ch 3, circle row 1 ch 2, 1/2 dc 11x, circle row 2 ch 2, 1/2 dc 3x
in same st, 1/2 dc in next, 1/2 dc in
next, rpt **1/2 dc 4x in next, 1/2 dc, 1/2 dc**, sl st
Triangle fills (make 28):
ch 3, circle row 1 ch 2, 1/2 dc in same st, 1/2 dc, 1/2 dc, 1/2 dc
4x in
same st, 1/2 dc, 1/2 dc, 1/2 dc 2x in same st TURN row 2 ch 2, 1/2
dc in each st until middle of "corner" where
you 1/2 dc 4x, 1/2 dc'ing in each st until end.
Set aside 24 stars for the "border stars", on the remaining crochet 3
square fills between points, skip one fill, crochet 3 more fills on the
other "side" so you have what looks like a hammer head or baby rattle
Crochet these patches into interlocking strips, 3 strips of
"innies" and 3 of "outies", then crochet the interlocking strips together
to make the "interior" of the afghan.
Lay out the border stars and crochet the fills in the appropriate
spaces. Crochet these stars onto the afghan.
When all assembled, 1/2 dc a border in the stars' color.