Fizzy Bath Bombs - DIY - How To -

    Fizzy Bath Bombs

    Margarita posted Message 1379 in the CraftPals Scented Crafts Dated : October 18,
    Subject: Re: Fizzing Bath Bombs

    I made some bath bombs and sold them in a local craft show.
    I used the recipe you used, but took a spray bottle and sprayed the mixture
    with the witchhazel.
    I then put the bath bombs in molds and let them dry.
    I found it a hassle to get them out of the molds so I rolled them into big
    balls instead.

    I sealed them with Shrink wrap and labeled them.
    They sold just as well both ways.
    My bombs dried fast(within 48 hrs) and were very hard)They were awsome.
    They fizz really good and smell good.
    Hope this helps. Oh one other thing--only a light spritz of witchhazel--and
    the bombs will "grow" a bit, but it will not affect the performance
    and definetly will not hurt the skin.

    Lisa : ) posted Message 1371 in the CraftPals Scented Crafts
    Dated : October 17,
    Subject: Re: Fizzing Bath Bombs

    I thought I had shared the recipe before,
    but I will gladly share it again! Here goes:

    2 TBS Cornstarch
    2 TBS Citric Acid
    1/4c. Baking Soda
    3 TBS Coconut Oil
    1/2 tsp Fragrance Oil
    Coloring (Optional)

    Mix first 3 ingredients together.
    Melt oil, and add fragrance oil.
    Slowly add oil mixture to the dry ingredients. Add color. Mix well.
    Take truffle sized scoops, and roll into balls.
    Let sit for a couple of hours, reshape if needed.
    Then let dry for 24-48 hours.
    You can wrap them or put them in candy cups, then wrap.

    I used more fragrance oil than the recipe called for.
    When we tried these out, they were great!
    The coconut oil added so much to the bath water, forget
    Anyhow, good luck to whoever tries it out!

    Lisa : ) posted Message 1374 in the CraftPals Scented Crafts
    Dated : October 17,
    Subject: Re: Fizzing Bath Bombs

    The coconut oil that I use, is a solid, but it begins to melt at 76 degrees.
    We are stationed in Spain, so I have to buy my oils in large quantities
    (5-10lb containers), which are usually in a sealed container, since it will melt during the shipment.

    The only difference that I have noticed between almond oil and coconut oil
    is, with Almond oil you can also use it in lip balms and it won't
    affect the taste much, or you can use it to your advantage and make it part
    of the taste.

    With coconut oil, when making soaps you get tons of lather.
    When making the bath bombs with coconut oil, it is just like adding oil to
    your bath water. You can use any other type of emollient oil like,
    avocado or apricot kernel instead of the coconut oil, also.

    I haven't tried using the recipe with witchhazel, but I am sure it would
    work instead of the oil. I would just add the witch hazel, and mix as
    I was adding it. As the mixture gets thick enough to scoop out and roll
    into balls, then I would quit adding.

    Being in that humid state of Louisiana, probably did make the bombs have a
    hard time of drying. Try letting them stand for a while longer.
    Maybe a third day. Where we are in Spain, we had no rain from March through
    September, so I don't have to deal with humidity.

    (104 degree summers, UGH!) But when we were stationed in Pensacola
    I had a hard time with mine drying. What I did when I was there, was I
    had an extra fridge, and I dried the bombs in there.
    I didn't keep food in that fridge, so I didn't have to deal with
    the scents mixing in with my foods.

    Shelley posted Message 1402 in the CraftPals Scented Crafts
    Dated : October 20, 1998
    Subject: Re: FANCY bath bombs

    The first one is the one I use. I have not tried the second one.

    Bath Bombs - little fizzy bath beads!
    1 to 2 parts epsom salts(optional)
    2 parts baking soda
    1 part cornstarch
    1 to 2 part citric or ascorbic acid (found in beer making stores)

    Mix very well.
    Add UP to 1 part olive oil, until the consistency of pastry dough.
    (JUST sticks together)
    Add a few drops scented oil/food color if you want them scented/colored.

    Form into small, golf- sized balls. Store in cellophane wrapper.
    Drop in your bath and RELAX............


    1/4 c. baking soda
    2 tlbs. citric acid or absorbic acid (powdered vit. C)
    1 tlbs. Borax powder (for softening)
    2 tlbs. powdered sugar (for binding)
    2 tlbs. sweet almond oil
    1 tsp. Vitamin E oil (preservative)
    1/4 tsp. fragrance or essential oil

    Combine dry ingredients in a bowl and stir until well blended.
    Drizzle in almond oil and stir until mixture is moistened.
    Add Vit. E oil and fragrance and stir until well mixed.
    Take teaspoon size globs of mixture and form into ball shapes with fingers.
    (mixture will be VERY crumbly and fragile , so do the best you can.

    Add a little bit more of the vit. E. oil I find that helps.)
    Place the balls on a sheet of wax paper and leave alone for 2-3 hours.
    After 2-3 hrs, reshape balls.
    Let the balls air-dry and harden for 10 days.
    Store balls in a closed container to protect from moisture.
    To use, plop a ball into your bathtub in warm water!