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How to make a DMC Angel Doll
Posted by Charlene on September 15, 1999
DMC pattern for angel doll out of embroidery floss angel:
Hair #726
Gown #917,
#91 variegated,
Halo # 972 Bows white.
Using Acrylic paints and a small brush, or fine-tipped felt marker,
draw features on face(wooden bead) let dry..
Remove labels from one floss skien, cut in half,
creating two 3" folded pieces.
set aside one 3" folded piece as one skien makes two dolls.
Remove 3 pieces of cut floss from remaining 3" folded piece to use later
for tieing; set aside.
Tie tightly in center of 3" floded piece(at 1/2") with a 10" piece of
gold metallic thread,(which will form hanger).
Seperate looped section (at top) of floss in half, and pull one half
down with cut pieces to form skirt. Cut this looped half of skirt open
and trim to even out skirt bottom. Push top of loop down to and in front
of knot area(waist). flattening loop to form arms at each side.
Use 3 pieces of cut floss to tie in back at each shoulder and around
waist(securing all skirt threads). Make a bow at waist
back. Tie bows at wrists with white floss. Trim all excess.
Bring gold hanger threads through hole in wooden head and secure
both to shoulders with glue. Tie ends of hanger together at top.
Wrap floss tightly around craft pick. Soak in water and
let dry, then remove from pick. Apply glue liberally to head, fluff
out curls and press curly hair to head. Trim off excess.
Make round halo from scrap of gold floss and glue to back of angel's head.
Make 2 wings from 3/4" lace and glue to angel's back.