Tomato Cage Christmas Trees:
When it comes to outdoors decorations around here, they have to be quick to put up and just as quick to dismantle and put away.
So, I rattled my brain trying to figure out what I was going to decorate the outdoors with, since my house is not landscaped yet and then I thought of Allen Smith's tomato cage Christmas DIY.
In the summer I went to Lowes and bought large tomato cages.
The rest I just used whatever I had.
To assemble the tree:
I found an old flower pot.
Turned the pot upside down and threaded two wires in four holes - and brought them in through the pot and let it rest over the brim of the pot for a while.
Filled the pot with broken pieces of brick for extra weight ( I am still building ) .
Turned my tomato cage upside down and set it down on top of the broken brick. Secured the tomato cage to the pot with the threaded wire that I had hanging over the brim of the pot.
I tied the prongs of the tomato cage with wire to give me the conical tree shape.
Then - I looked for lights - I could only find "icicle lights"
I wrapped the icicle lights around the tree ( I think I used three strings of icicle lights ) and secured some of the light strings to the tomato cage - really windy here and I didn't want to go and pick up my tree off the porch every morning.
I didn't have a fresh green garland, but I found some artificial garland and attached it to the tomato cage creating a spiral.
Then I just wired my spiral to the tomato cage, adjusted lights and garland until I was happy with it and called it done.
Of course - no pictures - of the - how to -
I didn't think of it until people started asking me how I did it.
Have a blessed Holiday Season.
LRitchie @ Craftpals