Gift bag
This is directions for making your own gift bags.
I am going to type them in just as they are on the paper I got from a lady in McDonalds the
other day and I hope they make sense to all of you.
Wallpaper, heavy gift wrap, etc.
Tacky glue,
macramé cord (2 pieces 12" each), snap clothes pins, paper punch
When measuring for your bag you must make sure your measurements are exact.
You can make your bag any size you want. Most gift bags are 3" - 4" wide on B and D.
The measurement for A and C are always the same.
The measurements for B & D are always the same.
Measurement E is always 1/2".
If B& D measure 3 1/2" you would measure up from the bottom 3".
Always make sure the measurement for the bottom is 1/2" less than the sides.
Cut out the darkened areas on the bottom edge.
Crease every fold before you glue. Fold in E, glue edge and lay A over E.
After glue hold, fold in the bottom flaps of B & D, glue edges of C and fold over B & D.
Glue edges of A and fold over C.
Fold top of bag down to 1 to 1 1/2".
Paper punch holes 1 1/2" to 2" on either side of center.
Do this on both A & C.
Knot handle cord on one end, thread thru holes and knot on other end.
*Can use a piece of cardboard in the top by the paper punch holes for strength
in carrying it so it doesn't rip out one something is in the bag.