
Shingled Trees

Styrofoam cone 6, 9, or 12 inches
Miniature wooden shingles (these look like the ends of wide
popsicle sticks) Green paper twist
Green acrylic paint; soft brisstled paintbrush
Hot glue gun
1) glue paper twist around cone, piecing as necessary to cover styrofoam. Cut a circle of paper twist to diameter of cone base; glue to bottom of cone.

2) Apply hot glue to lower edge of paper-wrapped cone, glueing about 4" at a time. Secure a row of shingles around cone, with lower edge of the shingles extending about 3/8" below cone. Glue a second row, overlapping shingles about one-half the length of the shingles and staggering placement.

3) Continue applying rows of shingles, overlapping upper edges of shingles at sides as neccessary. At upper portion of tree, clip corner of shingles as necessary.
4) Trim four shingles to a point at upper edge, using utility scissors.
Glue trimmed shingles to top of cone to complete tree.

5) Dilute green acrylic paint with water. Apply thinned paint liberally to tree, taking care to apply paint to underside of shingles where underside is visible.

6) Embellish tree as desired with wooden cutouts or beaded garland.

Anybody want to come over and make some with me?


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