Carving Clay
Posted by kallen on January 11,
In Reply to: Carving in clay posted by CJ on January 09,
: I've done a bit of carving, but not a lot. I made a few jade pendants
that I turned into Xmas ornaments, and they turned out great.
I used the instructions found onDonna Kato's:
I was very pleased with how easy it was
to do, and how nice they turned out.
: It's really easy to carve into clay that is partially baked. Not so
easy in clay that is completey baked.
I've done both, and prefer the partially baked clay to carve on. I made
a needle case [holds sewing needles] for one of my sisters, and I made
it to look like an ivory carving of a buffalo.
I will have this photo on my web site when I get it done. It took me
nearly a week to complete, and I used 5 or 6 bricks of Ivory Sculpey III.
I rarely work that long on one item; if I cant get it done in an
hour, I loose interest, but it was fun to do, and it turned out really neat.
I may also have a photo of the jade pendants that I made using Donna's
instructions on my site. If I have room!
Yes, you will get crumbs, and you just brush them away. It's best to
use a fluffy blush brush [clean]
so your fingers dont do any damage to what you are carving.
Did I answer everything?
: CJ
The question, Do you have to wedge the polymer clay as you would the
traditional clay to get any airholes out? Especially when putting all
of those blocks together? I could get into this!!!! Ready Luci?!! kallen :))
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