Easy Soap Recipes
Dear Fellow crafters,
Here are a few recipes for making soap, you don't need any lye in these
recipes, I haven't tried any of them yet but I hope to very soon.....
These Soaps recipes are created from two types of pure soap bases and can be
made and ready to use in just a few hours. Castile soap- Can be found in
health food stores.
It is made from water and olive oil and has a white to green color. It comes
in cake bars and has virtually no scent, making it an ideal base soap.
Castile soap needs to be shredded before melting it with other ingredients.
Use a cheese grater for easy shredding.
Castile soap can be replaced with baby soap or any other plain,
unscented white soap in these recipes.
Glycerin Soap Glycerin soap is made up from oil and glycerin
and can be purchased in an unscented form from most grocery or health food
stores. Be sure to buy the unscented bars. Glycerin soap is usually
yellowish and transparent. It makes an ideal base for gourmet soaps, as it
melts easily and mixes well with oils and other ingredients. You will also
find glycerin soap easy to mold. When melting glycerin soap do not heat
to over 160 % F or your finished soap will '' Sweat''. Molding soaps.
Once you've mixed your soap, you'll need a mold to pour or pack it into
while the soap is still warm.
You can buy molds made especially for soap, or you can make your own.
An empty tuna can makes a great mold for round soap.
You can also use an empty milk carton to make wonderful decorative
soap molds. Pour or pack the soap into its mold and let it harden.
The next step is to separate the soap from its container.
If you have used a milk carton, all you need to do is just peel off the
carton. If you have used a tuna can, either open the bottom of the can and
push the soap out or try popping it out just like you would do ice cubes
out of an ice cube tray. which but the way metal ice cube trays make
a neat mold two.... For a harder, longer lasting soap, remove the soaps
from their molds and set them out to air dry for a couple of days.
To protect your soaps, wrap them in clear cellophane 24 hrs. after removing
them from their molds{ 6 hrs. minimum}.
Other ingredients that may be used in soap recipes:
Borax Can be found in the laundry section in grocery stores.
Beeswax is available from suppliers, or can be found in any craft store that
carries candle making supplies.
Liquid lanolin can be found in health food stores that carry beauty supplies.
Fragrance oils, Herbs, and Clays can be found in health food stores.
Soap Recipes:
Oatmeal Soap:
Makes One Bar This soap is great for facial and body cleansing.
14-ounce bar Castile soap shredded
1/4 cup dried oats
1/4 cup distilled water
1 tablespoon
dried chamomile
1 tablespoon dried rosemary
1 tablespoon jojoba oil
Shred the castile soap and set aside.
Grind the oats into fine powder in a food processor or coffee grinder and
set aside.
In a saucepan, bring the water to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and
place the chamomile and rosemary in a tea strainer in the water,
letting it steep for thirty minutes to create a strong herbal infusion.
Remove the herbs from the water and reheat to a boil.
Turn the heat down to low and add the shredded castile soap a little at
a time while stirring.
Continue stirring until mixture forms a sticky mass. Remove the pan from
the heat and stir in the oat powder and jojoba oil until evenly distributed.
Pack the soap into a mold and let it set
for four hours or until hardened..... Enjoy!!
Peppermint and Chamomile Soap: Makes One
Bar 1 4- ounce bar Castile soap
1/4 cup distilled water
2 tablespoons dried chamomile
1 drop red food coloring {optional}
1 tablespoon liquid lanolin
1 teaspoon jojoba oil
10 drops peppermint oil
4 drops vitamin E oil { can squeeze out of capsule}
Shred the castile soap and set aside.
Bring the water to a boil in a heavy saucepan and add the chamomile.
Remove the pan from the heat and let the chamomile steep for twenty minutes.
Pour the water through a strainer, collecting the water in a bowl
[ this removes the chamomile}. Pour the water back into the saucepan
and reheat the water and stir until evenly distributed.
Lower the heat and add the soap chips. Stir until it forms a sticky mass.
Add the lanolin,jojoba oil, peppermint oil, and the vitamin E oil and stir
until well mixed. Remove the soap from the heat and pack into a mold.
Let set for six hrs. or until the soap hardens.....Run a hot bath,
light a scented candle, turn off the lights and Enjoy!
using your wonderfully just made soap.....
Peaches And Cream
Bath Bar:
Makes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar Castile soap
1/4 cup distilled water
1/4 cup powdered milk
1 tablespoon sweet almond oil
1/8 teaspoon peach fragrance oil
1 drop orange food coloring {optional}
Shred the Castile soap and set aside.
Heat the water in a heavy saucepan over low heat.
Stir in the shredded soap until it forms a sticky mass. Remove the
pan from the heat and add the powdered milk,
Sweet almond oil
Peach fragrance oil
food coloring; stir until well-blended.
Spoon the soap into its mold and let set for four hours
or until hardened.....
Vanilla and Almond Soap; Makes One Bar
This soap is great for removing dirt and oil from the skin without drying.
Vanilla gives it a delicious fragrance and the ground almonds provide
a beautifully textured soap.
1/3 cup whole almonds
1 4-ounce bar Castile soap
1/4 cup distilled water
1 tablespoon almond oil
1/8 teaspoon vanilla fragrance oil
Grind the almonds to a fine powder in a food processor or coffee grinder
and set aside.
Shred the soap and set aside.
In a heavy saucepan bring the water to a boil;
then reduce heat to a simmer; Remove the pan from the heat and add the almond powder,
almond oil, and vanilla fragrance oil, stirring until well blended. Spoon the soap into
a mold and let set for five hours or until hardened...
Cinnamon Soap; Makes One Bar 1 4-ounce bar
unscented glycerin soap
10 drops cinnamon oil
1 drop red food coloring {optional}
In a heavy saucepan, melt the glycerin soap over low heat until liquefied.
Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the cinnamon oil and coloring until well mixed.
Pour the soap into a mold and let set for three hours or until hardened.....
Oriental Jasmine And Rice Bran Body Bar:
Makes One Bar This soap is gentle enough to use everyday, it cleanses and
softens the skin...
1 4-ounce bar Castile soap
1/3 cup soy milk
4 tablespoons rice bran
5 drops jasmine fragrance oil
Shred the soap and set aside.
In a heavy saucepan over low heat,warm the soy milk and gradually add the
shredded soap until the mixture becomes a sticky mass. Remove the pan
from the heat and add the rice bran and jasmine oil, stirring until the
bran is evenly distributed. Spoon the soap into a mold and let set for
four hours or until hardened...
For an extra large body bar,double the above recipe and use an empty
milk carton as a soap mold....
Glenda T
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