
Citrus Sachet Bags

Here are some instructions for Citrus Sachet Bags. Diana*

7-1/2" by 10-1/2" piece of tightly woven fabric,
cotton ball,
rubber band,
Five 6" cinnamon sticks,
Tasseled jute or raffia cord,
Dried orange slice.

1) Fold the fabric in half, right side facing in, to make a
7-1/2" by 5-1/4" rectangle.

2) Close one long edge & one short edge by stitching a seam 1/4" from
the edges of the fabric.

3) Turn the bag right side out. Fold the top edges of the bag in
& down about 1-1/4" & press with an iron.

4) Fill the bag to about 1" from its top with any combination
of herbs, spices, & citrus to suit your fancy.

5) Insert the cinnamon sticks into the opening in the bag.

6)To keep the potpourri inside, top it with a cotton ball & close the bag
securely with a rubber band.

7) To disguise the rubber band, tie a jute or raffia bow over it.

8) Hot-glue the dried orange slice onto the fabric.

9) Package in a plastic bag to keep the fabric clean.

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