Craft Bazaar Ideas
Here are a couple of ideas that I have done with success in the past.
1.Mason Jar (lge, wide mouth, about $7 or $8 doz.)
Cut a circle of fabric larger than top of jar so that when glued to edge
it forms a ruffle.
Fabric should cover to bottom edge of lid.
Then take a small piece of polyester fiberfill (stuffing) and hot glue
to top of jar lid. Cover with fabric and glue fabric to side edge of jar lid.
Using a coordinating print tear a strip of fabric about the width of the
side of the jar lid.
Tie around jar lid into bow. Hot glue button to front of the bow(on the knot
part). Using 3/4" wood, cut out a simple snowman shape (2 bumps i.e. head
and body only) Paint with white paint and add black dot eyes, and dots
down front for button. Tear a small piece of fabric and tie around neck
for scarf. Drill two holes in sides of body to insert arms.
Make arms from small twigs you gather and glue in place.
Drill through the bottom of jar lid and anchor snowman in place to top
of lid. Make up some samples that are filled (so the customer gets the
idea of how to use them for gifts). Inexpensive fillings are popcorn,
peppermints, cookies. I sold alot of these last Christmas for $10.00 each.
You might need to adjust your price for the area you live in
but there is quite a lot of room for profit in these!! Oops!
drill small hole in face for nose. Paint toothpick dark orange
break off for correct length and glue in place. Use country prints
for best results.
2.Bubble wands: Buy telephone cable (Builders supply store).
This is 10 strand wire which is encased in black plastic.
The 10 strand is the best thickness to use and provides you with
10 different colors of wire. Strip off the plastic (use scissors
to cut slit in end and start to peel off - dont need to buy a stripping
tool. Wire is sold by the foot for about .35 a foot. Cut wires
into lengths of about 10-12 inches. Take a wire and wrap one end
around a small cookie cutter shape (I used stars and hearts, .50 each
at craft store).
Twist off around remaining wire length. Put 9-10 pony beads (buy value packs
at craft stores) on length of wire take end and make a small loop and thread
back down through beads (1 or 2). Cut a yard of thin ribbon (get on sale
usually 3 or 4 spools (10 yds) for $1.00) and run through small loop to
make necklace. I attach a recipe for homemade bubble soap to ribbon
also. I usually type up on computer on small (1 1/2 by 2 1/2?) squares,
laminate, and cut out with a fancy scissor. Punch hole and thread on ribbon
before knotting necklace.
My Girl Scouts have made these for different events and they are VERY popular!!
(cheap too!)
Ask craft stores for donations to your fund raiser!!!!!
Cindi W
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