Hints & tips Posted By: Little Leperchaun (Roxy)
Date: 2004/3/9 7:55 p.m.

Hints & Tips :

Save dill pickle and sweet pickle juices after the jar is empty. Marinate carrot sticks in the liquid. Delicious!

Wrap wax paper around a cork before replacing it in a bottle. Allow a little of the cork to extend at the top. The cork will be easy to remove.

Aluminum Foil
To avoid the hassle of fitting aluminum foil into the corners of baking pans, just rinse the pans before lining. The foil will cling to the wet bottom and sides and will be easier to smooth into corners.

Birthday Candles
Use rolls of candy with holes in the middle for birthday candle holders on cakes. They catch the drops and look pretty besides.

Bread Crumbs
Fine dry bread crumbs make a good thickener for cream sauces in casseroles or a la king dishes. Use them whenever you want a toasted flavor in a sauce. For seasoned bread crumbs, whirl packaged bread stuffing in blender and use to bread chops or chicken.

Brown Sugar
Add a slice of soft bread to a package of rock-hard brown sugar. Close the bag tightly, and in a few hours the sugar will be soft again. Wrap in a plastic bag and store in refrigerator in a coffee can with a snap-on-lid.

A few Tips
Posted By: Roxy
Date: 2004/5/5 12:13 p.m.
Brown sugar will not harden if stored in the freezer.
If you freeze wild rice it will last 3-4 months compared to a week in the refrigerator.
A good trick when you go away on vacation is to place a baggie with a few ice cubes in the freezer. If a power failure occurs while you are gone and the food thaws and then refreezes you will know about it when you get home.

With warmer weather we all need to
Posted By: Michigan Froggy
Date: 2004/5/10 6:01 p.m.
drink lots of water, and it's a special treat to have lemon in it.
A good way to do this is to stock up on lemons when they are on sale and cut them into pieces small enough to fit in the sections of your ice cube tray, fill with water and freeze. You can store these in the freezer in zip lock bags...then when you want ice and lemon for your water, just pop a few lemon ice cubes into your glass. You can do the same with limes too.

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