projects for senior citizens

Posted By: Adele and Karen
Date: 2003/4/10 2:54 p.m.

This was done at the nursing home, where my darling little momma lives.
Using a length of clear tubing, (at a nursing home, they have plenty) they started at one side of the "hook" and wrapped it around the wire of a regular-type clothes hanger. When you get back to the hook, you cut off the extra, leaving just enuff to tie it in a knot, to keep it from coming loose. Some of the woman had to have more help than others, but they all seemed to enjoy it. And the finished hanger was nice, because the tubing keeps clothes from falling off.
My momma has a memory retention of about 10 seconds, so I had to almost do her's completely for her. *smile.* And you know what? They actually turn out pretty. Sorta sparkly-like.

projects for senior citizens
Posted By: karen/kallen/k.
Date: 00/10/2 5:12 p.m.
Post notes on community bulletin boards [post office/stores] in the town and ask the newspaper to run an announcement or two for people to save or donate craft scraps to you at the center/facility for the seniors.

After all, we'll all be there one day ~ or most of us anyway.
" snowmen made from paper plates and daubers from bingo and construction paper for hats "
decorate a hat:
use paper plates as base and let them decorate them with findings that a fabric store might donate or discount tremendously. [ ribbons, yarns, flowers that have fallen off stems, etc. ]

pot of flowers
styro cup with paper cut outs they can embellish with old jewelry, ribbon, crayons, markers, or paint - for those that can still manage.
edible paintings
where puddings are used to finger paint for those who like to taste everything. Might also entice some to eat a bit more!
Hopefully, this is a start. Love Adele's tubing!!! Will look for more...
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