Dust Mop
Title: Crochet dustmop (top only, not handle), hairpin loom
Categories: Crochet, Loom
4 oz 4 ply yarn orange
2 oz Bright green, and green
1 Crochet hook size k
1 3" hairpin lace loom
1 Old straw broom
1 Sm can of orange paint
guage: 2 sts=1"
leaving 6" at top, cut off broom straws. paint handle.
cover: side: make 2:start at top with one strand each of bright green
green, ch 14 to measure 7 1/2"
row 1:working loosely, dc in 4th ch from hook, dc in each ch across-12
counting ch3 as one dc. ch2 turn.
row 2:working loosely, dc in front loop of first dc-inc made, dc in
loop of each dc and in top of ch3-13 dc.
rep row 2 til side mearsures 6". matching ridges, sew side edges tog
mop: wind 4 strands of ayrn(1 each greena nd 2 orange) around hairpin
lace loom. slide strands up to create bulk and machine stitch strands
1" from one leg of loom. sliding the stitched part off the loom as the
work progresses, make 3 yds in all of stitched loops.
fold in half to
double layer of loops and starting at lower edge of cover, sew doubled
loops along edge being sure to keep measurement of edge;then cont
loops around just above last rnd of loops til all loops are used up.
llops. slip cover over broom. with 2 strands of orange make a 20"
run thru sts at top fo cove. tie.