
Child's mittens


MATERIALS: Worsted weight yarn (2 colors that look good together)
Size I crochet hook or size needed for gauge.
GAUGE (With 2 Strands): 3 dc = 1"
3 sc = 1"
1 row dc + 1 row sc = 1"
3 rows sc = 1"

NOTE: Everything is worked with a double strand of yarn, one of each color. Work in the back loop (loop away from you) throughout.

MITTENS (Make 2): Ch 17, join wiht a sl st to form a ring; do not break yarn, ch 31.

ROW 1: Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across: 30 sc. Sc in next 2 sts of original ch, turn.

ROWS 2-15: Alternate Row (a) and Row (b) Row (a): Sk 2 sc, sc in each of 35 sc just made, being careful NOT to work in 2 sc made in original chain; ch 1, turn. Row (b): Sc in each of 35 sc across, ending sc in next 2 chs of original ch; turn.

ROW 16: Sc in each sc across. Finish off.

ASSEMBLY: With right sides tog and 18" double strand of yarn, working from side opposite starting ch, sew first 16 sts tog. Finish off. Sc next 5 sts (for thumb opening), sew rest of mitten. Do not cut yarn; weave through starting ch and draw up tightly to close.

THUMB: With wrong side facing, join yarn at top end of thumb opening. You will be working thumb in rows.

ROW 1: Ch 1, sc in each st around; 10 sc; ch 1, turn.
ROW 2: Rep Row 1.
ROW 3: Sc in each of next 7 sc, dec over next 2 sts as follows: draw up a loop in each of next 2 sts; 3 loops on hook, YO, pull through all 3 loops (dec made). Continue in sc; ch 1, turn.
ROW 4: SC in each sc around; ch 1, turn.
ROW 5: Work a dec as before over next 2 sts, sc in each of rem sc; ch 1, turn.
ROW 6,7,8: Rep Row 4. Finish off, leaving 10" yarn tails.

With wrong side facing, pull yarn through end of thumb; pull up tightly. Sew thumb seam.

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