
X-Stitch Needle Tips

1) So you don't have to worry about where your needle is, take a 1" to
1-1/2 inches of magnetic strip and glue a pin back on it. Then pin it onto
the side of your work ( I like to work on scroll frames). When you need to
put down your work to do something or would like to quit, just put your
needle onto the magnetic strip. You can't lose it unless you jar it really
hard. It's really great when you have to keep getting up and running after

2) When x-stitching or sewing by hand, (to prevent your thread from
tangling up) after threading your needle and before knotting it on the end,
sew it through a dryer sheet a couple of times. You will never have tangled
thread again.

Talk to you later. Have a great day!

Joy Hall USA

X-Stich Tips and Cleaning

Floss should be cut about 18"-20" long, or twice that if the thread will be
doubled for the loop method.

Metallics, or any fiber with a very rough surface, should be cut somewhat
shorter. It helps prevent fraying.

Run each separated strand of floss over a damp sponge just before using it.
This makes the floss lie much smoother and flatter. Remember, some fibers,
such as silk, should not be dampened.

If you know which direction you tend to twist the needle, give it a little
bit of a twist the opposite direction after each stitch.

Let the thread dangle every so often and untwist it.


The heirloom-to-be deserves special treatment or it may become the
heirloom-that-never-was. Here are some suggestions that are very conservative
and cautious.

While you are Stitching:

Always wash your hands before stitching, and keep them clean while you
work. Don't use hand lotion before stitching. Keep your hands out of
your hair, off your face, out of the popcorn, away from the pizza and far
from the chocolate bar.

Watch out for ink from highlighters, and toner from photocopies.

Cross stitch projects, especially those in scroll frames, make very nice cat beds.
You may choose to view any fur that works its way into the
project as part of the design. If not, try using a sticky lint remover
or tweezers.

Don't store linens or fine fabrics in plastic for the long term. The
plastic can trap moisture and, over time, release chemicals. However,
storing projects in plastic while they are in progress can help to keep
them clean. This is assuming it takes less than 5 years to complete the
project :-).

If you want to store a project-in-progress for a more than a few days,
roll it rather than fold it, wrap it in cloth, preferably white and
store in a carboard tube.

If you use a hoop, remove the project after every stitching session.

Always launder the project when completed. No matter how often you wash
your hands before stitching, there will be skin oils left which may cause
stains and damage later on.

Avoid anything which cause the project to have long term (many year)
exposure to chemicals. For example, don't use Scotch Guard.

Do not dry clean, if at all possible. The chemicals can be gritty, and
may have long term effects. If the piece is lost at the cleaners, you
will only be reimbursed for the cost of the materials.
Some fabrics and fibers (wool and silk) may require dry cleaning. If
this is the case, go to a very reputable cleaner, and have a long talk
about the best way for them to do the cleaning.

Hand wash each piece individually in cold or lukewarm water. Use
something which is pH balanced and has no whitening agents.
Treasure Wash, etc is good. Do not use Woolite, strong detergents or
chlorine bleach as they may make the colors bleed. Let the project soak for
several minutes. Rinse thoroughly, but don't scrub or wring. If the colors run,
repeat the process until the water rinses clear.

Remove the piece from the water and place it on a clean, white terry
cloth towel. Roll it up like a jelly roll, to remove the excess water.
While still damp, lay it face down on a couple of towels and iron with a
dry iron at the wool or linen setting until it is dry. Try not to move
the iron back and forth. You may use a pressing cloth, in fact you
should use a pressing cloth if there are metallics. The process of
ironing until dry prevents uneven drying and puckering of the cloth and
threads. Let the project air dry another 24 hours before framing.
If you are not framing your heirloom for awhile..roll it up on a white
cloth or towel and store in a cardboard tube.

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