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printing suggestions

My printables are designed to be printed using one's browser and not a graphics program.
If you want to print my printables from your browser, go to browser of choice:
Then go to File, Print Preview, make adjustments to headers, footers and margins and print at 100%.
Printing at " shrinking to fit page " will result into a smaller image than the graphic was meant to be, but sometimes that "ok" too.

Sometimes you just want to save an image and print it later.
Right click on the image you like,   " save as "
to a preferred folder or your desktop.

When you are ready to print...find your with browser, preview image, print at 100%.
If you take my image to a graphic's program and print image will print smaller than it was meant to be.

If I know all this then why am I doing my images so it only prints from one's browser? :)
Choices, I guess...
Do I help out the people that just want to go file and print images from their browser or the people with graphic programs that already know how to do printables?

What do you think?
Am I out to lunch here?
Too many different browsers and graphics program out-there, but I do like to help out wherever I can.

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last updated February 12, 2010
copyright © October 15, 2008 lritchie
resolution 1024 x 768