
T-shirt ideas

LisaK posted Message 182 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Subject: Re: t-shirt ideas

I saw a cute t-shirt idea in a magazine.
Gather a bunch of leaves and fern. using green t-shirts, place the greenery flat on the front of the t-shirts.
Using a sponge and t-shirt paint, sponge the paint all over the front of the t-shirt on top of the greenery.
Colors that would work well are copper, gold, silver, brown and rust.
After sponging on top of greenery, pull greenery off the t-shirt and let dry for 24 hours.
Very nature themed, you can add their names with black t-sirt paint or the names of the greenery.
Make sure the you put some kind of blotter between the front and back of the t-shirt. Good luck.

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