Back to School Survival Kit

Paulette posted Message 4159 in the CraftPals All Crafts BB
Dated August 15, 1999 at 132301
Subject Back to School Survival Kit
I designed these for a second grade and a fifth grade teacher to give to their students on the first day of school
Cotton Ball~ to remind you that our classroom is full of kind words and warm comfortable feelings.
Chocolate Hug~ to comfrot you wehn you are feeling sad or alone.
Sticker~ to remind you that this class sticks together and helps each other.
Starburst candy~ to remind you that you are always a star in this class....and everyone shines in his own way.
Tissue~ to remind you to help dry someone's tears.
Toothpick~ to remind you to "pick out" the good things in your classmates and yourself.
Ribbon~ to remind you that friendship ties our hearts together.
Eraser~ to remind you that everyone makes mistakes and this is okay.
LifeSaver Candy~ to remind you that you can come to any adult in our school for help.
BandAid~ to remind you that feelings get hurt easily
copyright by Paulette, 1999
Paulette posted Message 4164 in the CraftPals All Crafts BB
Dated August 15, 1999 at 143653
Subject First Day of School ~Teacher Goody
I generally do all my "Bag Topper" on my computer with graphics, etc. But you can also rubber stamp them. This one was designed on a 3 X 6" piece of cardstock. Type the verse on half of the piece (3") then stamp an appropriate picture on the other half (3") of the piece. Make sure the verse is at the top of the piece and done upside down.
Picture is done on the bottom of the piece right side up. That way when you fold them in half they will both be going the same way. I attach these to the baseball card protection sheets (you can find these at Walmarts) they are the perfect size.
The verse I did says...
"Because you are nervous on the first day of school too,
I packaged some "Hugs" in hopes that they might help you.
Teachers can't live on Apples alone, they need hugs too."
Paulette, 1999
Then insert Hershey hugs into the bag.
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