Front of Dog will be spoon back.
Take marker and make black spots all over spoon & handle.
Plastic spoon, glue( 2 med.) black pom poms to left side,
top of spoon, one right under the other,
glue (2 med.) white pom poms to right side at top.
Glue two moveable eyes in center of spoon.
Glue two (med.) white pom poms side by side to fat part of spoon close
to bottom, right on top of these two glue small black pom pom,
cut out oval red shape for tongue and glue at the bottom of
the pom poms. Makes dogs mouth.
At neck of spoon where handle meets spoon part glue red
heart( red shapes are cut from foamies). On heart write Puppy Love.
Place a sucker long ways to the spoon front, which will be dogs back,
top of sucker in spoon and handle of sucker should
go down spoon handle, use pipe cleaner to secure sucker to be removed
later. Cute gift idea..
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