Easter Baskets

You'll need:
pint milk or juice carton
cotton balls
pink yarn
something to make eyes and nose
(buttons,gumdrops or other candy or whatever you like)

Close the top of the empty carton.
Position the carton on its side with the top closed edge vertical.
Then on the side which is facing up, cut along the two long edges and the
bottom edge. Hold flapup slightly and cut it to form two rabbit ears pointing
away from the pointed end of carton.

Cover the entire outer part of the carton with cotton balls including the
ears. Use a small piece of yarn to make outline of pink
for the ineer ear. Use buttons or whatevery you chose to make eyes and nose
on the pointed end of the carton. Place extra
cotton balls for tail. Fill carton with Easter grass and candy.
Posted by katy on April 08,

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