ribbon boxes

Paulette posted Message 395 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Dated October 31, 1999 at 010322
Subject Ribbon Boxes

�Box with lid
�Assorted ribbons
�Craft glue or hot glue gun
�Spray paint (optional)

�For best results, the box and cover should be a solid color. Spray paint works well, or cover with construction paper or even aluminum foil.

�When the top of the lid is a solid color, place a dab of craft glue on one edge on the underneath side.

�Attach a piece of ribbon that is 2 inches longer than the lid.

�Repeat with 3-4 other pieces of ribbon, spaced evenly on the lid.

�Bring the ribbons over the top of the lid and attach with glue on inside edge of box. (The opposite side.)

�You should have 3-4 ribbons glued to the top of the lid.

�Now you can get ready to weave. Glue 3-4 ribbons on the inside edge of the lid that doesn't have a ribbon attached to it.

�Take the end of the ribbon and weave it over and under the attached ribbons.

�Glue the end on the inside of the lid.

�Repeat with other ribbons.

�Put the lid on the box and you have a fantastic box give as a gift.

This project lets you be as creative as you want.
Try using different sized ribbons, or change the pattern. You can attach 8 or 9 ribbons and have a tighter weaving design.


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