Making Paper

Nettie posted Message 360 in the CraftPals PaperCrafts BB
Dated December 01, 1999 at 010438
Subject Re Making your own paper easy.

1. you will need a papermaking frame.
2. egg cartons, are cheap, effective easy to use to make new paper.
3. soak eggcartons in water, break up into small pieces.
4. use blender or bamix, puree a small handful of wet carton in a sm. bucket of water.
4. Add a few of these to a large rectangular container of water. big enough to take your frame.
5. put frame well down into the water, lift up gently, wait for water to drain. then remove deckle, invert onto chux wipe, and repeat.
6. when you have a stack, press between two boards. voila, paper.
hang up indiv. to dry

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