tin can lady bug

cynthia posted Message 127 in the CraftPals Recycling
Dated : June 19,
Subject: tin can lady bug

on a visit to the craft mall, i saw the cutest lady bug made with a
small tin can for a body--the size of a tomato sauce can or the size
mushroom pieces are sold in.
put can open end down.
wings for the bug were 2 big ready cut wooden hearts glued on back of can.
i figured i could cut some from cardboard or old window screen if
my heart collection lacked the right size hearts.
can and hearts were red with black dots.

the head was a good sized wooden bead painted black.
two wires protruded from the top of the head with a tiny black bead
on each end as antenna.
there was a face painted on head, of course.
when the head was attached to the can body by glue, front legs made
of jute with two black beads for feet tied on each end,
were also glued on, under the head.

glued up inside the can was another set of jute legs with bead feet.
it was sort of a shelf sitter with the bottom set of legs dangling
off the edge of shelf.
there was also a bee made almost the same way--just different colors.

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