birthday ideas
LisaK posted Message 104 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Subject: Re: fishing birthday party
For party favors and a game in one, buy cheap tackle boxes (.99 cents approx) at a variety or discount store.
You don't say for what age, but you could purchase cheap gifts (age approp., like gum, candy, superballs, etc.).
A stand up made of cardboard or wood that is painted to look like water.
The kids use a play fishing pole and cast over the stand up.
Some one on the other side puts a small gift on the end of the hook ( a paper clip bent to look like a hook).
To keep the kids turns fair, collect a play fishing lisense for each turn. Pass out even numbers of lisenses to each guest.
They could put all gifts into their tackle boxes.
For food, crumble oreo cookies to look like dirt, and then put into bucket (new). Add about 30 gummi worms.
This can be used as an ice cream topping. Serve with small (new)shovel.
If you are serving a meal, fish sticks are great for kids. Good luck.
Christy posted Message 107 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Subject: Re: fishing birthday party
I saw a real cute idea on T.V. Make jello in a fish bowl, just as it starts to set-up,
place gummy fish inside the jello at different heights.
This would also work in clear plastic cups for individual servings too.