dressup party

Wendy Ann posted Message 112 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Dated : April 09, 1999
Subject: Re: need craft for 4 yr old tea/dressup party

Here is one take a suitcase, put big shoes, big shirt, pants, hat gloves, and coat. In suitcase closed .
Have one take it run down hall open it up put clothes on from suitcase shut suitcase and run back with clothes on.
Can be time one person at a time or relay race. Hope this helps you out. Did this at church function.

Wendy Ann

Berkman Room Mom posted Message 120 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Subject: Re: need craft for 4 yr old tea/dressup party

Barney's party hats always work. They are also a big hit.
Use sheets of newspaper opened up(about two layers works best).
Lay newspaper across the childs head.
Tape the outline of their head with masking tape as you mold it to the top of their heads.
Remove and fold in edges to creat a big floppy brim.
Decorate with glue, paint, flowers, beads, feathers, sequins, you name it, it works.

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