Crochet with Wire
~Memorial Pin and Wire Bracelet~
by Charlene D
In Memory of those who died on Sept. 11th...and to wear for Red, White & Blue Day(today). On the news they asked everyone to show their support for our Country by displaying our flag(for at least 30 days) and wearing red, white and blue.
Bag of Baby's Breath Flowers
E Beads(red and navy blue)
Wire(bead wire, gold, 24GA)
Jewelry Fastener(lock)
Directions: String your beads & flowers before you start crocheting the wire.
String in this order: red bead, white flower, blue bead.
four clusters of them.
Single crochet a chain st. Crochet 5 st. pull up a bead over and over until entire beads and flowers are crocheted. Add jewelry fastener to finish bracelet.
Navy Offray wired ribbon 1 3/8" wide
Spool O' Ribbon(Offray) white & red
Offray sheer white flowers(package of two)
Navy Flexi-lace Hem Tape
Pin back
Hot Glue
Fold wire ribbon and glue. Fold blue lace over it and glue. Now fold the red and white ribbons over and glue. Glue your flower to the middle and pin to the back...ready to wear.
Note: amount will depend on how many you make of each.
Remember: Each time you notice your bracelet or ribbon while you are wearing it....whisper a prayer for our Country and its leaders. ~God Bless America~
~Angel Wings~

~We serve an awesome God... He is more than able to defend this Country~
~Paperclip Angels~
String red, white and blue beads on wire to make the halo. After you
have made your halo insert it into bead for head and attach to
Fold red & white ribbon to make a bow and glue to the front.
Glue a small blue star to middle of ribbon. Add pin back.
Note: Stars can be found at Michaels(while supplies last)
These same stars were used for the bracelets. Name of stars is Gurl
Style(metallic beads)