What I need to Setup a Craft Show
Setting up at craft show - chicken wire
Posted By: sharon
Date: 2003/4/10 2:54 p.m.
Kat-we are doing a show on Oct 14 too.
Hubby is doing our display racks out of 2x2" framing w/chicken wire on one side and mess screening on the other (for big and little things). He's doing them 6' tall and 3' wide. Each panel is separate. Think he said he is making 5 of those.
Then to assemble, instead of hinges etc, he is using those strip ties (plastic ones) That way everything lays completely flat for transport and they can be grouped zig-zag style or flat or changed to suit your needs. When setting up you just tye together and then cut the ties to disassemble. I found the pegboard things are just too heavy to move around. We have an 8' table that he has done old 2x2x2' crates to stack like an inverted V for displaying sitting things.
I made cloths that slide on my table like a fitted sheet sorta thing. Don't know if that makes sense LOL, but it fits the top then drops on all 4 sides w/lap on one side for access under the table. That is where I store all my extra goodies. And don't forget to take a small ice chest w/something to drink and wetwipes if it is going to be hot. They make good "refreshers" for face and hands in the later part of the day. Hope this helps some and Good Luck with your show. Sharon
setting up at craft show-fruit crates
Posted By: Craftsource
Date: 2003/4/10 2:54 p.m.
Fruit crates are the best thing I've ever used. You can stack them this way and that and join some with boards to make shelves. I put cup hooks in the corners of some for hanging things. But the real beauty is, you can pack your stuff in them to haul it to the show and they even have handles!
I got mine for $5.00 from a company in Mississauga, ON called Frans Koppers on Kamato Road. They have what they call clean ones and rough. The rough ones are sort of weathered and look better if your craft is bit rustic.
setting up at craft show...long book!
Posted By: kallen/karen/k...
Date: 2003/4/10 2:54 p.m.
The following is based on a show that I have done for the last 3 or so years. It's held at a school for crafters' only ~ nothing else is going on. My space is about the same as yours. I have electricity. Some of my crafts have lights, so I make one corner rather dark with side shade. The sun travels from side to side, so I change the sheeting from one side to the other. The customers appreciate coming in for the shade, because it is usually hot. I see the others watching me set up and look at me rather skeptically, but as the afternoon wears on... Yep, you got it!
You want SHADE!!! You can use a tarp say 20'x20' that attaches to the tubes like they use at swap meets, craft shows, etc. You can use large battery clamps to secure the tarp for one day. Let the extra 5' hand down behind you, to afford more shade. If the afternoon sun is on the side, let it hand there, then. The hot sun is your enemy, next to the wind! Also, you might have some broadcloth or sheeting to clip on the sides halfway down if the sun is hot and traveling - especially with low temp glues and candy or wax. Of course, where you are it might not get hot like it does here in So Calif.
Step 1 Make a layout of your space, showing the aisle the people come up to you from [maybe you have a side they can access also - I do at one annual show!] Use 1":1' for your grid and any fixtures you put in there. Leave 30" to 36" for walkway around tables, islands, racks, etc. Measure it all and use colored paper cutouts to place it all on your grid in a pleasing manner. This will allow you to decide on the size of tables, cans, chair or stool for weary feet - YOURS, etc.
This is your PLANNING stage where you need to think about what you have and how to show it. Does it hang, stand freely on the floor, need a trash can to hold it [yard art signs], or is it small enough for tables and shelves. You might also think about groupings, especially with deco items that are seasonal.
Step 2 Have a vertical backdrop at the back and maybe side[s] of your booth. It can be shelves, lattice, ladders in the corner covered with draped fabric, 2"x2" squre metal fencing, you get the idea. You can hang or set things on them. "S" hooks work well on either the lattice or fencing - make your own out of heavy but bendable wire. Make sure the backdrops are clean, neat, and blend. You may need to paint them, or the most obnoxious one at least.
Step 3 Mark off the space in your yard or driveway. Set up your booth frame, backdrops, tables, racks, ladders, cans, whatever you are using the way you decided in step 1 to see if it will work. You want taller towards the back so it doesn't block anything. If you are satisfied, continue...
Step 4 Shelf and table displays. Use boxes of different sizes that you transported your items in to make stair steps on the tables and shelves.
If you have several of one item, like dolls or bears, snug them all up on a shelf allowing enough space to remove one without them all falling.
If people can walk around, then they can stagger pyramid style - otherwise, taller in the back. Consider what you are displaying when using the "steps" so everything can be seen.
Cover the boxes and table with a tablecloth or sheet. I use various sizes, so I can cover several at once, or add a box and have a small piece to cover that one. Hide the edges. Also skirt your tables to hide your storage and such. Supplies look ugly and distracts peoples' attention from your display.
You will refine your style with each time you do this, but do practice setting up everything. Time yourself on the last practice run to see how long it will take for the entire process.
Step 5 Go to the show and sell, sell, sell!
I have one suggestion regarding the garage/flea type stuff. Decorate it!!! Make it look like you have paid as much attention to that stuff as you have your crafts, then people will hopefully accept your craft prices and not go for flea market pricing...