Do you schedule time to craft?

Posted By: lritchie
Date: 2003/4/10 3:20 p.m.

Do you have a set schedule when you craft?
I mean, do you have a set time that you start and end your day?
Do you take coffee breaks etc. in between?
Do you have social talks on the phone etc.?
Even though you work at home do have work scheduled days.
That one is hard for me to do.
I either want to work 18 hours days or would rather work outside all day.
But the work that really needs to be done is indoors.
thanks. luci

answer to post:
From Theresa E.

No scheduled time for me (unfortunately!). With a toddler still at home, I am unable to keep to any kind of a schedule, and am unable to do some of the work while home with just him. I cut and sand my own wood items, so still need someone to watch him while I am in the woodshop.

Maybe when he gets into school I can be more organized and keep to a schedule! Until then, I craft in bursts (don't talk to me the week before a show!)

I thought I had it under control until
2003/4/10 3:21 p.m.

It was overwhelming, and I couldn't make a basket or create another centerpiece if my life depended on it. On top of it I needed 2 baskets for gifts Christmas Eve! I discovered what can happen to the "creative juices" and ambition when reality jumps on you.

I had taken on more than I could accomplish and depended on help to get it all done ~ and the help didn't come through. So running through all the emotions, I realized there is something I can't do even if I wanted to. I cannot create when overwhelmed. So between the mood striking me, and clearing time to take advantage of those moods, I guess you could say I'm developing some sort of a schedule. This also proves you're never too old to learn "stuff!" karen

Re: do you have a set schedule when you
2003/4/10 3:21 p.m.
No set schedule here.

Some days I do nothing else, some days no crafting at all. I have been saying I have to get up and spend the eight hours in the craft room. like a time punch job, no answering the phone, no computer ( ) no nothing else, just like i wasn't here.

But it has never worked. I can't ignore the phone, the putter or the dog all day. I hope from one thing so another. I should rent a large room outside the house, then go there for the 8 hours. LOL rhonda

Re: I never can seem to get it under control
2003/4/10 3:21 p.m.

Everytime I think, ok this is the day to do such & such...nothing goes right.
Anyone else have those kinds of days? Yesterday all I did was sit at the computer all day. I did paint another mailbox today and need to seal 6 bears partially dressed in the finery but that's as far as it went And I can't seem to get Doug in the mood to go out to the shop and cut stuff out for me so I can do those...hummmm...oh well always tomorrow yep always tomorrow .sharon

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