ribbon boxes

Paulette posted Message 395 in the Children and room-Mom crafts
Dated October 31, 1999 at 010322
Subject Ribbon Boxes

•Box with lid
•Assorted ribbons
•Craft glue or hot glue gun
•Spray paint (optional)

•For best results, the box and cover should be a solid color. Spray paint works well, or cover with construction paper or even aluminum foil.

•When the top of the lid is a solid color, place a dab of craft glue on one edge on the underneath side.

•Attach a piece of ribbon that is 2 inches longer than the lid.

•Repeat with 3-4 other pieces of ribbon, spaced evenly on the lid.

•Bring the ribbons over the top of the lid and attach with glue on inside edge of box. (The opposite side.)

•You should have 3-4 ribbons glued to the top of the lid.

•Now you can get ready to weave. Glue 3-4 ribbons on the inside edge of the lid that doesn't have a ribbon attached to it.

•Take the end of the ribbon and weave it over and under the attached ribbons.

•Glue the end on the inside of the lid.

•Repeat with other ribbons.

•Put the lid on the box and you have a fantastic box give as a gift.

This project lets you be as creative as you want.
Try using different sized ribbons, or change the pattern. You can attach 8 or 9 ribbons and have a tighter weaving design.


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